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Linear fit

Given a number of datapoints (x,y), calculates the parameters ‘m’ and ‘b’ that fit best (in the least squares sense) the following model:


Datapoints may have weights assigned to them for both x and y axes. The weight is the reciprocal of the variance. The returned goodness of fit is the square root of chi^2.

Python interface

class iplt.alg.LinearFit((object)arg1)
AddDatapoint((LinearFit)arg1, (float)arg2, (float)arg3) → None :
C++ signature :
void AddDatapoint(iplt::alg::LinearFit {lvalue},double,double)

AddDatapoint( (LinearFit)arg1, (float)arg2, (float)arg3, (float)arg4) -> None :

C++ signature :
void AddDatapoint(iplt::alg::LinearFit {lvalue},double,double,double)

AddDatapoint( (LinearFit)arg1, (float)arg2, (float)arg3, (float)arg4, (float)arg5) -> None :

C++ signature :
void AddDatapoint(iplt::alg::LinearFit {lvalue},double,double,double,double)
Apply((LinearFit)arg1) → tuple :
C++ signature :
boost::python::tuple Apply(iplt::alg::LinearFit {lvalue})
Clear((LinearFit)arg1) → None :
C++ signature :
void Clear(iplt::alg::LinearFit {lvalue})
Estimate((LinearFit)arg1, (float)arg2) → tuple :
C++ signature :
boost::python::tuple Estimate(iplt::alg::LinearFit {lvalue},double)
ForceOrigin((LinearFit)arg1, (bool)arg2) → None :
C++ signature :
void ForceOrigin(iplt::alg::LinearFit {lvalue},bool)
GetGOF((LinearFit)arg1) → float :
C++ signature :
double GetGOF(iplt::alg::LinearFit {lvalue})
GetOffset((LinearFit)arg1) → float :
C++ signature :
double GetOffset(iplt::alg::LinearFit {lvalue})
GetOffsetVariance((LinearFit)arg1) → float :
C++ signature :
double GetOffsetVariance(iplt::alg::LinearFit {lvalue})
GetQ((LinearFit)arg1) → float :
C++ signature :
double GetQ(iplt::alg::LinearFit {lvalue})
GetRSQ((LinearFit)arg1) → float :
C++ signature :
double GetRSQ(iplt::alg::LinearFit {lvalue})
GetScale((LinearFit)arg1) → float :
C++ signature :
double GetScale(iplt::alg::LinearFit {lvalue})
GetScaleVariance((LinearFit)arg1) → float :
C++ signature :
double GetScaleVariance(iplt::alg::LinearFit {lvalue})
GetWGOF((LinearFit)arg1) → float :
C++ signature :
double GetWGOF(iplt::alg::LinearFit {lvalue})
PointCount((LinearFit)arg1) → int :
C++ signature :
int PointCount(iplt::alg::LinearFit {lvalue})
__init__((object)arg1) → None :
C++ signature :
void __init__(_object*)

C++ interface